I refuse to feel pain.

3 min readMay 16, 2022

Pain is the beginning of all things, the onset of wrong and the end of right; the beginning of a lawful era and the end of all injustice. That is to feel pain but whatnot.

I believe in living in a world of our creation where everything we do is ordained or ruled over by us ourselves, meaning forgive me ye believer, the absence of God. And yes, I mean anarchy but forget about others for a second. Yes, anarchy will bring about a world of evil and what ye be thinking but look on the clear side; we will feel no pain. All negative emotions are gone, and only positive ones reign if we choose to become God. A choice we humans decide not to make for some reason.

I plead my case, but as I’ve been told, becoming God isn’t that easy. Is there a handbook, a guide, or was someone God before me, or is God merely a title given to the supreme being, or is it the actual state of supremacy? I have no idea (Again, do not heed these words, dear believer).

Following a rather strange turn of events, and I do become God, what becomes of me, for I no longer remain mortal and I’m clearly above angel status, so I repeat what becomes of me? Fear or admiration will befall all humanity, and returning to my daily activities, which I wish for, is treated as invalid. So once again, what becomes of me?

Let’s not forget the main reason for all this; the dismissal of pain and all negative emotions, but to be practical, is it possible to live life without ANY negative emotions? If you think about it, not wanting to feel negative emotions force you to live a life constantly worrying if you’re feeling negative emotions, thereby giving birth to negative emotions. Still, you are God, and you can erase this feeling, but let’s not forget that we had this feeling.

Another point to note is; that the past matters no matter how fleeting or insignificant the past may be the future builds on it; hence before becoming God, you were once human, something irreversible. If erased, you would cease to be a being cause even the one true God has a story, and he is Almighty, so who are you mere mortal to claim of erasing your past, of deleting your history.

To conclude, forgive me once again, dear believers, for this pagan narration, but to not shut one’s eyes on the very existence of all possibilities is my heightening sentiment. But to all heathens who grazed through this message, there is a book that holds the story of the one true God and tales of how people who serve him vanquish pain. To say the least, if this was an atheist point of view that is clearly for believers but trust me, the answer which we seek lies there.

